So, I’ve gone and done it…

Post-pandemic Tia (is it safe to say 'post' yet?) has been surprising me quite a bit. I don't know if it's because I've mentally aged ten years in the past two and a half, having had to deal with the pandemic and all its effects on, not only my mental health but also those of... Continue Reading →

5 Years🥳

Time has a sneaky way of creeping up on you. Just five years ago, on a sunny Mother's Day, I took to the internet to vent on how neglected, unappreciated and angered I felt and posted my very first TMTA blog post. It was either that or commit murder.Skip ahead to 2022, and not much... Continue Reading →

Love at its purest

Smack dab in another insomnia period. So this morning, I wake up around 1 am and immediately know, I'm not going to fall back asleep any time soon. So I go online to do some shopping for when in-person meetings start back. This is my attempt to postpone the inevitable, which is to face the... Continue Reading →

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